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Schöneberger Straße 5
10963 Berlin

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Wake up!
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Un gradito omaggio dal caro Tato

Un altro omaggio, sempre dal Tato

So stay awake
Why the hell should I stay awake?

I looked your wall
Saw that old passport photograph
I look like I've just jumped the Berlin Wall
Berlin I love you
I'm starting to fade...

The one who follows me

Bad Chic People
Albert Speer
A Chic wishlist
Cuffiette nuove per l'iPod
L' insalatiera trasparente Ikea
Lo spremiagrumi di P. Starck

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Content © Dubh

jeudi, février 24, 2005

iPod e il mondo Apple

iPod and Apple World

I'd take an iPod Mini (silver) last September, and I use it more or less everyday. I love Apple's design and one day I'll surely buy a Mac (desktop or portable, doesn't matter), 'cause now I work for Windows, is not Win that works for me, and my time goes away :(
(Even if Uncle Bill is always Uncle Bill)

Here you can find some interesting links about iPod: [Japanese Forum] [an iPod weblog, powered by Blogger :)]

Comments on "iPod e il mondo Apple"


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Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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